The Digital Revolution

The Mid 1980’s saw the introduction of digital tools into the field of graphic design in a way that would drastically change design forever. It marked the gradual move away from traditional methods which involved multiple specialists in various fields, to a refined realisation that graphic designer was the central figure in producing a work … Continue reading The Digital Revolution

Psychedelia to Punk

The 1960’s and 70’s defined very iconic and unique styles in the history of design. The changing style was brought about by an increasing number of people (especially the younger generation) who sought to challenge cultural “norms” and began to question difficult/ controversial topics including civil rights, the Vietnam War, nuclear proliferation, the environment, drug use, … Continue reading Psychedelia to Punk

Art Deco

The Art Deco arts and architectural style emerged in the mid 1920’s, stretching until the 1930’s when an interest in the style died down, until it re-emerged in the 1960’s. It can be seen in a number of posters, buildings, furniture, fashion and homeware items from the time. The Chrysler Building in New YorkMovie Poster … Continue reading Art Deco

Abstract Art and the Rise of “Form Follows Function”

In the period between 1900 and 1930, there was a growing change in attitudes towards art and a drastic shift in style away from the highly ornamental, highly realistic artistic styles that had previously existed. This is a very broad time period, but it all works toward a similar goal of breaking the mould of … Continue reading Abstract Art and the Rise of “Form Follows Function”

Art Nouveau

Art Nouveau is a stylistic movement which coincided with, and was inspired by the Arts and Crafts movement and can be seen not only in graphic design and illustration, but also furniture, jewellery, architecture and homewares. The movement spanned from 1890-1910 and was influential throughout Europe and the United States began as a response to … Continue reading Art Nouveau